Why is Big Government Ineffective in a Crisis?

May 5, 2020 |  Categories:  Government  

There are many reasons why self-governance was the approach the founders chose. Some of those were to prevent oppression, distribute power, and to allow the people control over their destiny. Another reason is the inability of the government to change course quickly, to respond effectively to a crisis. Big government is ill-equipped to respond rapidly.  Why? Momentum.

Momentum is the mass of an object multiplied by its velocity. One of the ways we experience momentum is by observing a train. A train cannot stop quickly to prevent an accident as it takes an enormous distance to overcome the momentum it has obtained. Organizational momentum functions the same way. As you continue to increase the mass of the government, you are increasing its momentum meaning to slow it down such that it can turn or change direction takes enormous time. Big government is not an agile and fast-acting machine, but rather a slow and steady one.  Slow and steady is good, except when speed and flexibility are necessary. During this crisis, big government has emulated a small one by removing regulations to activate the marketplace to provide solutions such as testing, ventilators, PPE, etc. With this little example of self-governance, activation of American ingenuity, creativity, or innovation occurred. Those qualities are always present, but they are made dormant under the weight of big government. Self-governance provides guardrails to support progress, and big government acts as the road construction crew that slows movement. Government is an important institution, but big government means significant momentum exists with limited braking power leaving us wanting solutions the government cannot provide. Answers that the marketplace is designed to provide facilitated by our founder's self-governance model.


God Bless and stay safe!!  

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